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After nearly three years of working together, Prospus has signed a partnership agreement with the Sydney-based companies Investible and Entropolis. Investible, an investment accelerator led by CEO Creel Price, invests in promising startups that heavily lean toward modern technology. Entropolis, run by CEO Tania Price, is a powerful platform connecting entrepreneurs with investors and other resources they need to succeed.

Together, Prospus, Investible and Entropolis aim t0 create a single cohesive environment where entrepreneurs can apply for and get funding from Investible, collaborate within Entropolis, and build out their own technology using the powerful Prospus Universe platform. This partnership has been long in the making, as Prospus has built multiple powerful applications for both groups, including the Entropolis platform itself.

As mentioned, the trio have been working together in 2012, when Prospus bid on and won a job to build the Decisionship platform. Decisionship was an application by the Sydney-based Accelerate Global Pty Ltd that aimed to provide entrepreneurs and business managers the tools they needed to assess their startup’s potential. The project brought Prospus president Marc Ragsdale, Creel Price, and Tania Price together where they realized their deep chemistry. As they worked together they began discussing their future plans and realized there were far more opportunities for collaboration.

“I couldn’t be more pleased to be working with such great businesses and people,” commented Ragsdale, after signing the initial agreement. In response, Prospus will be opening a branch office in Sydney later this year.


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